Invitation Form

You can effortlessly invite influencers using our new feature called the "Invitation Form." This feature allows you to incorporate the form into your email flow, where influencers can provide their information. All the details they fill out will be automatically populated onto their deal page, and a maximum bid will be triggered. This feature streamlines the process and saves you valuable time in managing influencer campaigns.

Here's how to set it up:

  1. Click on the "Campaigns" button.

  1. Select "Campaign Manager" from the dropdown list.

  2. Create a new campaign by clicking "Create New Campaign" and fill in the necessary information. Then, click "Create."

  3. Once you've created a new campaign, you'll find the "Invitation Form" section on the right-hand side. If you already have a previous campaign, the "Invitation Form" is automatically included.

  4. Click "Edit Form" below the "Invitation Form."

  1. Fill in all the required fields, including brand name, brand URL, logo image, poster image, and campaign description. Click "Save."

  2. You can preview the form before finalizing it. In the form, influencers will be prompted to provide their shipping information, which will be automatically added to their deal page.

  3. Your invitation form is now ready and you can start the reach out!

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