Setting up the campaign

After you have found the right influencers for your brand through the influencer finder and created your email flow, you will have to send an outreach email to them. You can easily schedule an outreach in the CRM through the outreach manager. Check more detailed explanation through this video

Step 1: Click the “Outreach” button

Step 2: Select “Outreach Manager

Step 3: Click “Create New Outreach

Step 4: Fill in the necessary information:

  • Name: Choose a name for the outreach
  • Email Flow: Select the email flow/sequence you previously set up. (Instructions can be found here)
  • Brand: Select the brand that you have registered in the CRM (if you have multiple brands)
  • Dashboard: Choose which dashboard will be used for this outreach. You must set one up beforehand or use one of the default options. (Instructions can be found here)
  • Email Account: Select the email account from which you wish to send the outreach email and communicate with the influencers
  • Outreaches per day: Choose how many influencers you want to reach out to per day

After you have completed these steps, click "Create"

Step 5: Your outreach lists will be displayed on the outreach page. You can now add the influencers you identified through the Influencer Finder to one of these lists to be contacted.

To view the list of influencers and remove any if necessary, click the "See & Edit List" button. You should now see the following:

This will display the influencers' details and the status of the outreach email (whether it has been sent or not). You can still remove the influencers from the list if the outreach email has not been sent.

Step 6: Once you have finished setting everything up, click "Start Reachout," which will start the outreach process. Every 24 hours, at the current time, the specified number of outreaches per day will be sent to the selected influencers and will be populated in the chosen dashboard for you to track. The follow-up emails will also be automatically sent based on your email sequence/flow setup.

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