Upload Existing Affiliates through CSV

If you already communicate with influencers outside our CRM, you can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your communication process by adding them to our CRM. This will help you manage your interactions more seamlessly. Here's a simple guide to upload your influencer list using the CSV upload feature:

  1. Click on “Tools” in the top menu and select “Deal Flow Manager” from the dropdown options.

  1. Choose the dealflow and click on "Custom Upload"

3. Download the Excel template by clicking on the blue "list template here" link.

  1. When filling out the Excel sheet, make sure to provide at least the "dealname" information. For more details, refer to the instructions in the sheet. 

  2. Fill out any remaining fields that are applicable to your influencers. 

  3. Once you have completed the sheet, save it and proceed to upload it through the "Custom Upload" button. Attach the filled sheet and click “Upload Custom List”. Ensure that you select the right deal flow where you want to upload the deals.

  1. The deal page containing your custom uploaded list will be displayed in the respective deal flow.

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