The template manager

Email templates can be used in email flows and influencer deal pages. To set up an email template, follow these steps below or check the detailed explanation through this video:

Step 1: Click “ Tools" in the top menu

Step 2: Choose “ Template Manager” from the dropdown menu

Step 3: Click "Create New Template" to create a new template

Step 4: Fill in the template details

Template category: Select a category for the template (negotiation, closed deal, relationship, or other)

Template title: Enter a title for the template

Body Email template: Enter the content of the email and use the template shortcuts on the right side of the page to include variables such as the influencer's name, discount code, and custom link. These shortcuts allow the template to be easily adjusted and avoid the need to update the template manually.

After completing these steps, click " Submit" to save the template.

Step 5: To use the template in email flows:

Go to the email flows page and select the desired template from the list. The template will automatically be added to the email body

Step 6: To use the template on an influencer deal page:

Go to the deal page and select the desired template from the list. The template will automatically be added to the email body, including the influencer's details (name, discount code, custom link, etc.), as specified by the template shortcuts used

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